Event Quilts Main Logo

Things you may not need to know, but might like to know anyway

Very basic quilt
   A very basic quilt. The blocks merely meet at each corner. Plain white backing, no sashing or borders, just the binding.

An Event Quilts t-shirt quilt
An Event Quilts sample quilt. Framing, sashing, setting squares, border, custom matching backing.

How do your quilts compare to those from other sites?
            Our quilts are second to none in terms of quality, construction, design, customization, and value. Comparing quilts can be difficult because they aren't all made the same from the start. Most sites cannot or will not even make a quilt with all the features we include as standard.

What are the differences in design and features?
     Here are a few things to look for (see examples in pictures to the right):
  • Does each shirt have a fabric "frame" around it? 
  • Is sashing included (fabric strips between the shirts)? 
  • Are setting squares at each intersection of the sashing included, or is each one an upcharge? 
  • Does the quilt have an outside border? 
  • Can you custom choose your fabrics, or are you limited to a few generic solid colors? 
  • Is it fully quilted? 
  • Does it have a binding? 
  • Are many of the shirt logos/designs cut off at the edges to make the shirts fit the quilt?
  • Do they use generic roll batting, or a quality batting from a well-known company?     
How do the prices compare?
            Prices are comparable when you factor in everything you actually want in your quilt - design style, quality of materials, size. Many sites list a price for a "base" quilt, then charge extra for each additonal element. The price you pay here gets you a quilt that looks like the ones pictured here. A custom, "you pick your colors," traditional style quilt made with high quality materials.        

I'm worried about sending you my special shirts (first marathon, Ironman, etc.)
            Your shirts are in good hands. My first marathon shirt is in a quilt; as are my junior high, high school, and college track and cross-country team shirts. These things matter a lot to me personally, so I know they matter to you just as deeply. I will take good care of them.

What type of event shirts can you make a quilt from?
            Running, triathlon and cycling are very common. Other themes can be college, high-school, concerts, work, team shirts (softball, bowling, etc.), NASCAR, club shirts, vacation, Hard Rock locations you've visited, shoe brands, events you've volunteered at, Red Cross blood donation shirts, etc. Really, anything where you have multiple shirts.

I don't have a theme; I just have a bunch of shirts I like.
            No problem. Themes are not required.

Should I cut my shirts for you?
          No. Just send me the shirts, and I'll cut them to the correct size.

Oops. I already cut them. Is that a problem?
          Usually not. There are ways to make it work. Here's more on that subject.

I have many more questions about shirts.
            Head to the Shirts page - it is kind of an FAQ page solely about t-shirt issues.

Why do you need a specific number of shirts for each quilt size?
            Our style is a traditional old-fashioned look, which requires blocks that are all the same size.The basic block must also be at least as big as the largest design. With the framing and sashing, this requires fewer blocks. This keeps the quilt style from being too busy and provides a good overall size.

I don't have the number of shirts you need.   
            There are several possible solutions, click to see the options.

I have significantly more shirts than you say you need.
            There is a necessary limit on how long/wide the dimensions of the quilt can be.

But, other sites can use many more shirts.
            True. It is a matter of preference as to how you want your quilt to look. Some sites use blocks of different sizes, smaller blocks overall, adjust the size of the blocks based on the number of shirts, or fit more in because they don't make the quilt in the same style that we do.

Will all of my designs/logos fit on a block?
            Almost certainly. The block size is big enough to accomodate even very large logos. A very few do not fit well - wraparound designs are hard to work with, for example. You may see some quilts out there with the edges of nearly every design chopped off in order to make a large number of shirts fit - that won't happen here.

What will my quilt look like, and how is it constructed?
           Here's a detailed explanation of how your quilt will go together and for a general idea of what it will look like.
I have a terrible sense of color combinations. Can you help?
             Yes, I can help you pick colors and fabrics you like and that go well together. Click here for more details.

Do the fabric colors I pick have to match my t-shirts? I have a wide variety of colors in my collection.
            No, the custom fabrics/colors you select only have to go with each other. Due to the design of the quilt, the fabric colors are the dominating color scheme. The t-shirts won't clash with each other or your color choices, no matter what they are. See below for one example.
t-shirt quilt - pastel color scheme

Will my quilt be hand-made?
            It is not hand-stitched or hand-quilted. All joining and quilting is done on a sewing machine. However, it is NOT an automated process. I perform every step in constructing the quilt. So, in that regard, it is a unique, hand-made item.

What type of batting do you use?
            I use Hobbs Heirloom Premium Cotton Batting. It is low loft, warm, light, does not pill (strands poking through the top or bottom), and holds its shape.

Wait, what is batting again?
            Batting is the middle layer of the quilt, between the top (your shirts) and the back. It provides the quilt with its thickness and warmth.

Why don't the quilts look thick?
            Because quilts are thin. Comforters are thick and have a higher loft.

How do I care for my quilt?

           Here are some basic care instructions.

I like the style you make but don't have any shirts I want to use. I would still like a quilt, though.

           I may be able to accommodate you. The style will be the same. Solid color blocks can be substituted for t-shirts. The cost is also about the same, because it basically requires the same amount of work.
            Custom quilt blocks can also be made with an applique' of your interests. I have made customs of cats, smiley faces, runners, bicycles, sunbonnet sue, etc. These take more time and work, though, often much more. Contact me for pricing and estimated production time. The overall style of the quilt will be the same, however.

I don't like the style you make. Will you make me something different?
            Not at this time. Other sites may be able to do what you want.

I've seen quilts that are just tied together with ribbons. Do you do that?
            No. Your quilt will be fully quilted. Ribbon tying is a traditional method that some people like or prefer. If you WANT that, however, let me know and I will contact you to work out the details.

What is a quilting pattern, and which one do you use?     
            The quilting pattern it the actual stitching that holds the whole quilt together. Patterns can range from simple to extremely complex. I use a pattern called Hanging Diamonds, a traditional and attractive pattern. Hanging Diamonds looks like this.

I'd like to order a quilt. How do I do that?

            It's very easy. Just head over to the Order Information Page.

There's a lot of information on the site. Will the process actually go smoothly?
            Yes. Yes it will. Most things go off without a hitch. Don't feel overwhelmed. I know the problems that might come up. Communication is key, and if there are any questions or issues I will contact you BEFORE proceeding with that step.
