Event Quilts Main Logo

. . . and maybe more than you really want to know

Examples of Common Shirt Issues

t-shirt logo pre-cut too closely
A logo that was pre-cut too small has been made into a usable block

t-shirts with small logos
Position of small logos on a block

Ugly color t-shirt
The "I don't want this green shirt color on my quilt" logo placed onto another color block

t-shirt with sponsers
Sometimes the best side is the one with all the sponsors on it

t-shirt with no good side
Sometimes there is no best side. No information about the event - just the name and sponsors.

t-shirt with combined logos
This shirt had good logos on both the front and back. Both were placed on a complementary color block (Click to Enlarge).

t-shirt with front and back combined
This bicycle ride uses the main festival shirt front and places the ride information on the back. That information is taken from the back and placed on the front (red outlined area).

t-shirt quilt with bicycle applique
Bicycle silhouette used in place of a t-shirt to form a block (Click to Enlarge).

"Too long to read" summary: I can probably make any shirt work.

But if you want to know more. . .

Your t-shirts are the whole point of the quilt, and most shirts work really well for quilting. People often have questions or concerns about their t-shirts, so I'll address some of the more common issues that come up.

Please do not cut your shirts
Material and condition of t-shirts
Issues with the logo/design
Issues with the number of shirts you have
Other information
